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Installation & Tutorial


RainFlow is freely available for download from the Mac App Store.

Using RainFlow

File Types in RainFlow

There are two types of files in RainFlow:

  1. Configuration file: This file stores the run configurations of your Flow Cytometry experiments. Here you can specify the default settings that were used to collect your data, such as information about the detection channels, lasers and parameters required for rainbow bead detection in your samples. A configuration file must be created before any analysis is performed. You can re-use the same configuration file for different experimental workspace as long as none of the data collection settings change.
  1. Workspace file: This file stores all data analysis steps that were performed on your experimental sample set. Analysis results can also be exported as csv files from the workspace. Each workspace file must be linked to a single configuration file.

Creating a Configuration File

To create a new Configuration file, open RainFlow and go to File > New > New Document from the menu bar. Then navigate through the steps in the sidebar as shown below.

Creating a Workspace File

Once you have a configuration file saved, you can open it and use the Create Workspace button on the top right corner to create a new workspace file.

When you open a new workspace file, the navigation sidebar will show you all the analysis steps to go through (shown below). The colored dot next to each step denotes the status – grey refers to step not started, orange refers to step incomplete, and green refers to step completed successfully.